"Proclaim the Lord's greatness with me: let us exalt His name together." Psalm 34:3

We were made to magnify God and we can't wait to praise Him together! MAGNIFIED is a fun-filled week of Vacation Bible School where kids are encouraged to zoom in and look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and to magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. We will be learning that God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us. VBS at Calvary is for children who have completed Kindergarten thru 5th grade. 

Monday, June 2–Friday, June 6 | 9AM–12Noon
8:30AM Doors open for Check-In/Registration
12PM Carpool Dismissal

*ALL the above* at the Welcome Center/Green Awning

**Pre-registration closes Fri., May 9 to guarantee a VBS T-shirt; however, you may continue to pre-register online until Friday, May 30 at NOON.**
After 12PM Fri., May 30, please plan to register in-person at 8:30AM on Monday, June 2. It's never too late to register!

*Volunteers must be a Calvary-Tupelo church member and submit to a background check.

5–6:30PM Wednesday Night, June 4 
5-6:30PM Hotdogs/Burgers
5:30PM Welcome/VBS Songs
*All outside in the parking lot, weather permitting.

All VBS kiddos, their families, and our church family are invited to come out and enjoy a time of fellowship. A meal will be provided.
We'll have a brief welcome and sing VBS songs! Don't forget to wear your VBS t-shirt! All RSVP's will help us know how to prepare, tho RSVP is not required to attend.