We invite you to dive into God's Word together—daily! With this 365-Day Bible Reading Plan, you can get started at any time. By reading each day, this will allow you to read through the Old Testament one time and the New Testament two times within this year. Find you a couple of friends that will join you in this journey and help with accountability. This will be great for families to walk through together, too.
On the Connect Table outside the Calvary church office, be sure to pick up your personal Bible reading schedule. These schedules are convenient bookmarks to place in your bible with new ones each quarter. These readings are also available through the CBC App on your cell phone or tablet!
Using the Calvary Baptist Church App on your phone/tablet, click the "Bible icon" at the bottom of the screen and click the word "Plan" to get started. Once you have read or listened to the daily scripture reading, be sure to click "Complete" to help you track your progress. A new reading will become available each day! Download the CBC App for your smart phone/tablet/TV.
There are additional resources for ages 2nd grade and up that you may be interested in as you embark on this adventure through the Bible!
"Life Journals" are helpful as they include prompts that go with the reading plan and teach a simple method for scritpure studying and journaling. Life Journals are designed for both adults/youth and children. This is great for families since the journals all follow the same daily scripture readings!
Another great resource based on this Life Journal Daily Reading Plan is a book entitled The Divine Mentor: Growing Your Faith as You Sit at the Feet of the Savior, by Wayne Cordeiro. This book encourages and challenges readers to develop a lifelong habit of reading scripture—the one thing Jesus says is truly necessary—that will preserve your soul, establish your legacy, and hold God's Living Word inside you.
Learn more about these resources below.
On the Connect Table outside the Calvary church office, be sure to pick up your personal Bible reading schedule. These schedules are convenient bookmarks to place in your bible with new ones each quarter. These readings are also available through the CBC App on your cell phone or tablet!
Using the Calvary Baptist Church App on your phone/tablet, click the "Bible icon" at the bottom of the screen and click the word "Plan" to get started. Once you have read or listened to the daily scripture reading, be sure to click "Complete" to help you track your progress. A new reading will become available each day! Download the CBC App for your smart phone/tablet/TV.
There are additional resources for ages 2nd grade and up that you may be interested in as you embark on this adventure through the Bible!
"Life Journals" are helpful as they include prompts that go with the reading plan and teach a simple method for scritpure studying and journaling. Life Journals are designed for both adults/youth and children. This is great for families since the journals all follow the same daily scripture readings!
Another great resource based on this Life Journal Daily Reading Plan is a book entitled The Divine Mentor: Growing Your Faith as You Sit at the Feet of the Savior, by Wayne Cordeiro. This book encourages and challenges readers to develop a lifelong habit of reading scripture—the one thing Jesus says is truly necessary—that will preserve your soul, establish your legacy, and hold God's Living Word inside you.
Learn more about these resources below.

THE DIVINE MENTOR by Wayne Cordeiro
Growing Your Faith as You Sit at the Feet of the Savior
In The Divine Mentor, you will discover how to enjoy a dynamic, vital, and intimate relationship with God as you learn to hear Him speak daily through the Bible. Embark on an adventure that will introduce you to His handpicked mentors, men and women who may save your marriage, your ministry, and your future. In this book, Wayne Cordeiro challenges you to develop a lifelong habit--the one thing Jesus says is truly necessary--that will preserve your soul, establish your legacy, and hold God's Living Word inside you. This book is available to purchase on multiple platforms.

Provided for Calvary Kids 2nd–5th Grade
Welcome Soapy the dog as he teaches kids how to do daily devotions. He uses fun, colorful pages and a simpler reading plan. The children’s reading plan tracks with the adult version so families can journal together. Make daily devotions the final dessert course after family meal time!

Provided for Calvary Students 6th–12th Grade
Introducing the new Life Journal 2.0. This updated Life Journal now has our Classic reading plan as well as what was formerly our First Steps/Youth reading plan. The First Steps/Youth reading plan is called "Express" and uses selected passages from our Classic plan. This is a perfect option for those just getting started and makes it easy to move to the full reading plan.
This Life Journal is in a convenient notebook format and includes a back pocket.
This Life Journal is in a convenient notebook format and includes a back pocket.

6PM church-wide Bible Study & Prayer in the CMC for December
It’s a blank devotional book and you are the author! The Life Journal comes with a Bible reading plan to take you through the whole Bible once a year. The reading plan is abbreviated for those just getting familiar with the Bible and also with a full reading plan. Through decades of refining with tens of thousands Christians doing daily devotions, we include Life Journal instructions. Not only will you get something out of your daily Bible readings, but the Bible will also get into your life.
This updated Life Journal now has our Classic reading plan as well as what was formerly our First Steps/Youth reading plan. The First Steps/Youth reading plan is called "Express" and uses selected passages from our Classic plan. This is a perfect option for those just getting started and makes it easy to move to the full reading plan.
This updated Life Journal now has our Classic reading plan as well as what was formerly our First Steps/Youth reading plan. The First Steps/Youth reading plan is called "Express" and uses selected passages from our Classic plan. This is a perfect option for those just getting started and makes it easy to move to the full reading plan.

Create your own Journal using the S.O.A.P. Method
S.O.A.P. is an acronym that is used to help you journal your daily Bible readings and is detailed in the book The Divine Mentor mentioned above. This acronym stands for: Scripture - Observation - Application - Prayer
S - Write down a verse (Scripture) that sticks out to you or that God highlights for you.
O - Write down an (Observation) about what the verse says. Ponder its meaning.
A - Write down how you'll live differently because of what you've read. Apply this verse to your life (Application).
P - Finish your journal entry by writing down your (Prayer) to God.
S - Write down a verse (Scripture) that sticks out to you or that God highlights for you.
O - Write down an (Observation) about what the verse says. Ponder its meaning.
A - Write down how you'll live differently because of what you've read. Apply this verse to your life (Application).
P - Finish your journal entry by writing down your (Prayer) to God.