"Therefore, everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them will be like a sensible man who built his house on the rock."
–Matthew 7:24
The goal of Calvary Student Ministry is to lead students to experience real encounters with God that lead to real life-change and real relationships with the people of God. We want to know Jesus, and make Him known! We believe that knowing and loving God is the primary goal of life, and that when students know and love Him, it will cause them to love people, and to live on mission. This is what Church is all about. We welcome anyone and everyone 6th–12th grade to be a part of our ministry.
Join us at CBC Students!
*Please contact the church office to confirm this week's schedule.
9:00AM Sunday School (Youth Floor)
10:15AM Corporate Worship Service (Sanctuary)
4:30PM Praise Band Rehearsal (Worship Rm.)
5:30PM Student Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
6–7PM Student Discipleship (Youth Floor)
6:45AM Student Prayer Breakfast (Connie's Chicken)
*Typically Aug.–Nov. and Jan.–May