COME Together

Our mission is to invite and encourage our members to Come Together as the Body of Christ in worship, prayer, and the study of God’s Word.  By doing so, we hope to attain a closer relationship with the Lord and with one another, while also becoming better equipped to defend His church in a divided world.  

Here are just a few ways to Come Together as the Body of Christ:
-Be faithful in Worship
-Join a Small Group (Sunday school, D-Group)
-Be a Consistent Tither/Giver
-Be a Prayer Warrior
-Be active in His Word daily

SERVE Together

Our mission is to see every Calvary member Serve Together as the Body of Christ.  As your relationship with the Lord grows, a desire to serve the Lord becomes more and more evident.  

Here are just a few ways to Serve Together as the Body of Christ:
-Bouquets of Blessings (Mon. morning ministry of delivering sanctuary flowers)
-Sunday morning greeters
-Loving Hands (Ministry to the Bereaved)
-Apartment Ministry Van Drivers
-Media Ministry (Sound, Livestream, PowerPoint, Camera Operator, Photographer)
-Music Ministry (Praise Team, Choir, Orchestra, Handbells)
-Nursery Volunteer
-Security Volunteer
-Sunday morning Van Driver
-Vacation Bible School
-Wednesday Night Meal Serve Team

GO Together

Our mission is to see every member of Calvary Go Together as the Body of Christ.  As a follower of Christ, we want to be faithful in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible.  

Here are just a few ways to Go Together as the Body of Christ:
-Community Outreach Breakfast (last Sunday Morning of each Month)
-Jehovah Jireh Ministry
-Calvary Pantry
-Compelled By Love (1st Sunday Evening of the Month, March-October)
-Local Jail Ministry
-2024 Mission Trips (Birmingham, AL; Medford, OR; Africa; Dominican Republic)
-Disaster Relief Team